Spirit-Informed Counseling

Spirit-Informed Counseling

Counseling is a sacred practice – no matter what the issue, no matter . . .

Intelligent Movement

Intelligent Movement

Treat your body to Gyrotonic and Gyrokinesis Movement and Yamuna Body Rolling.

Inspirational Writing

Inspirational Writing

Divinely Human & Soul Deep offer wisdom and inspiration!

A Bit About Carol, Owner of CMC Wellness

A woman ahead of her time! Always at the leading edge of wellness, health, movement, and consciousness, I have traversed the territory of human development, spiritual and psychological well-being, and intelligent movement. My adult life has been filled with studying, exploring, practicing, and guiding others in the fine art of unconditional love, conscious evolution, soulful investigation, and potent self-expression. This is my passion; it’s what I write about, what I teach, and how I live.

In all that I do – whether it is counseling individuals, assisting couples, or teaching intelligent movement, my primary platform is always about the potential to wake up. Once awake, there is a vast capacity to live into the fullness of life and wholly experience the amazing potential held in the heart, mind, and soul of every human being.


Situation Specific Short-term Counseling

Long-term counseling is not always needed or preferable. Here's a simple option . . .

More Info Here!

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Soul Deep

  • About Soul Deep

    About Soul Deep

    Sharing my love of this divinely human experience through heartfelt, enthusiastic, sometimes irreverent writing about the evolution of consciousness, the soul as foundational, and the …Read More »
  • Then & Now: The Body as Sacred Ground

    Then & Now: The Body as Sacred Ground

    The great challenge we face is how to live life to the fullest, no matter what it presents - to give the body the freedom …Read More »
  • Rebel Wisdom

    Rebel Wisdom

    I was a sweet kid – tender-hearted and easily bruised. I adored my Dad – whenever he traveled (often and for long periods), I would …Read More »
  • Just Another Day at the Gym

    Just Another Day at the Gym

    At the end of class, the instructor asked us to lie down on our mats and close our eyes so she could read to us. …Read More »
  • The Mystery of Presence

    The Mystery of Presence

    Swooning has been prevalent in my life for about a year, moments of brief and disrupting altered states of consciousness. Destabilized and disoriented. In some …Read More »

Bodhisattva Prayer for Humanity

May I be a guard for those who need protection • A guide for those on the path • A boat, a raft, a bridge for those who wish to cross the flood • May I be a lamp in the darkness • A resting place for the weary • A healing medicine for all who are sick • A vase of plenty, a tree of miracles • And for the boundless multitudes of living beings • May I bring sustenance and awakening • Enduring like the earth and sky • Until all beings are freed from sorrow • And all are awakened.”


I have been seeing Carol on and off for over four years. My sessions with her are always reinvigorating and poignant. I learn, I learn from her, and I learn from me. With her, I hear my own thoughts, but most of all, I relearn that nothing is wrong with me. I am fine in all my upcycles and downcycles. What has moved me the most is learning to be vulnerable and living life experiencing all its difficulties and grandeur. If you are looking to do the work, get it right or get it wrong and laugh through it, I recommend her.

Dacia Counseling